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For Our Sisters


Our product goes beyond bags. It is a curated assortment of hand-made, custom designed, and embroidered bags made from textile excess. We strive to employ our sisters living in rural areas of Rajasthan, India and generate continued employment in a sustainable manner.


What is JeeJi-Hood

Founded June 2020

This company was established by Myesa Arora and Anya Ahuja



We hope to inspire and uplift our sisters by generating supplemental income for them and their families. Our profits go back to our sisters and allow them to continue creating goods to support themselves and their families.

About The JeeJi-Hood Team


Myesa Arora, JeeJi-Hood

Myesa Arora is a cofounder of JeeJi-Hood. Her responsibilities include designing bags and end to end product lifecycle management. She manages all of JeeJi-Hood's social media, website, and handles outreach. She is expected to graduate from Hockaday in 2024 and her hobbies include: Drama, Backpacking, and Rock Climbing. Additionally, she is an active member of the BSA (Boy Scouts of America), working towards her Eagle Rank.


Anya Ahuja is a cofounder of JeeJi-Hood. Her responsibilities include showcasing new and exciting product lines, curating exhibit setups, and advocating JeeJi-Hood. She is expected to graduate from Hockaday in 2025 and her hobbies include: Debate, and Fencing. Additionally, she is the youth Radio Jockey for Radio Caravan and runs a interview show featuring local celebrities with fascinating stories.


Ashlee Bylund is the Reedy Outreach Director of JeeJi-Hood. Her responsibilities include engaging with Reedy students, faculty, and staff to promote and sell our products, assisting with product selection, generating leads to increase sales within the school community, and collaborating with our team to develop and implement effective engagement strategies, including promotional events, contests, and partnerships. She is expected to graduate from Reedy in 2024 and her hobbies include: Piano, Viola, and Crochet. Additionally she loves to play softball and make and wear different and unique earrings everyday! :) 


Aditi Kasturi is the North-Hills Outreach Director of JeeJi-Hood. Her responsibilities include engaging with North-Hills students, faculty, and staff to promote and sell our products, assisting with product selection, generating leads to increase sales within the school community, and collaborating with our team to develop and implement effective engagement strategies, including promotional events, contests, and partnerships. She is expected to graduate from North-Hills in 2025 and her hobbies include: Bollywood dancing, reading, and painting. When she is not on an artistic endeavor, you will be sure to find her doing medical research! 

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